Believing in accessibility for all

Rough sleeping


Rough sleeping is when you or someone you know is sleeping outside or is sleeping in a place not designed for habitation, such as a car, a shed, or an empty building.


How we can help

If you are rough sleeping or are at risk of rough sleeping, please contact us.

If you contact us, we will take some details from you and look at options available in the short term to stop you sleeping rough. We will also work with you to look at options for longer term housing.


How to help

If you’re concerned about someone sleeping rough, visit to get them help.

StreetLink is the nationally recognised way of alerting support agencies to someone who may be sleeping rough. The website can be used by anyone to log details of where someone is seen sleeping rough.

Alerts in the Wolverhampton area are passed on to the council’s commissioned outreach service who will visit the location and offer assistance to anyone seen.