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Your stock condition survey by Baily Garner LLP

Shared Owenership

A stock condition survey is an inspection of key elements on the inside and outside of your home. The survey results will help us understand the level of work required in the short, medium and long term, and will help us plan for future investment programmes. We are committed to ensuring you can live safely at home for many years to come.

Who will be carrying out the survey?

We have commissioned Baily Garner LLP to undertake the surveys on our behalf. All of their surveyors will carry photo ID badges as proof of their identity. Please ensure you ask for proof of identity before allowing anyone you do not know into your home.

When will the survey take place?

The programme start date is scheduled for Tuesday 2 May 2023. The first phase of the programme will take place over 12 months and will continue on a rolling programme. Therefore, not all of the housing stock will be surveyed in the same period.

If your home is due for a survey, you will be contacted by a member of our Stock Investment administration team. They will arrange a suitable time for access and to answer any specific questions you may have relating to this programme.

What will the surveyor be looking at?

The surveyor will assess the age and condition of major elements within your home, such as:

  • kitchen and bathroom
  • electrical and gas services
  • roof coverings
  • loft insulation
  • external doors, windows and canopies
  • fascia, soffits and gutters

Access will be required to all rooms including the roof space and outside areas when the survey is undertaken.

What does this mean for me?

This is a data collecting exercise to gain an understanding of the condition of all homes to ensure when we do carry out upgrades or refurbishments, we do so in the correct order and at the right time.

If you have any questions about this survey programme, please do not hesitate to contact our Stock Investment team: